So I'm doing my regular weekly grocery shopping yesterday.
Same every week. No surprises.
Until yesterday.
I grab my normal package of boneless, skinless chicken tenderloins (tenderloin? tenderloins?).
Tiny glance to my right.
Day ruined.
I mean...really?
You can't see from this photo because I was scared that the grocery store police would come and ask me why I was taking pictures of the nastiest product in the store, but the back "paws" look like they have painted nails.
Red ones.
It made my tummy hurt.
Please don't tell me that they are a cultural phenomenon in other areas and that I shouldn't be judgmental.
Just be nice and join me in my shuddering.
Totally unrelated: I have a review posted on my seldom used review page.
that's nasty...i live near you and have NEVER seen that. gross
Posted by: jennifer | February 22, 2011 at 11:14 PM
LOL... this is absolutely common here (in Singapore)... we boil it in soup and eat it with dark soy sauce, and sometimes chilli... think the skin and soft cartilage gets eaten. Not that I like it much, but my hubby loves it!
Posted by: Justpassingby | February 23, 2011 at 03:56 AM
I was telling my friend about trying Black Pudding in Ireland when I was dating the Irishman. She declared herself on the Black Pudding Diet. All she had to do was THINK about it and she lost all desire to eat!
Posted by: Jenny | February 23, 2011 at 05:41 AM
I'm going to assume your review is NOT on chicken paws. :shudder:
Posted by: Courtney | February 23, 2011 at 06:20 AM
Yup...that'll do it. I'll be fasting today!
Posted by: Michelle | February 23, 2011 at 06:42 AM
I have a really green organic hippie friend. She actually on purpose buys those and makes her chicken stock with them. And she lives in Minnesota. And was born in Minnesota. (And for the record, is a plain ol' white girl, not from another country/culture.)
Posted by: Tara | February 23, 2011 at 07:16 AM
Oh dear God that is fowl. Get it? Fowl?
In all seriousness though, foul. That photo hurt my stomach in ways I didn't know existed.
Posted by: kristen | February 23, 2011 at 07:25 AM
ICK. That's gross. The jars of pickled pig feet are bad, too, and these are right up there with them.
Posted by: Jeni | February 23, 2011 at 07:33 AM
One of the Top Chef contestants prepared chicken feet one night. I had the misfortune of being in the process of nibbling on any evening snack while watching. I was done. Done! Still makes my stomach flip when I think of it.
PS - Is your mom home - safe and sound???
Posted by: Dawn W | February 23, 2011 at 09:05 AM
One word...GROSS! I aready have an adversion to raw/frozen chicken. This just reinforces it.
Posted by: rrmama | February 23, 2011 at 11:15 AM
Ok, my friend and I just had this same conversation! She was shocked that they would sell such grossness. I was more upset that they would call them "paws". They are chicken feet - feet not paws. And yes, you use them to make stock.
Posted by: jean | February 23, 2011 at 01:39 PM
I just threw up in my mouth a little bit!
Posted by: Lindsay @ BytesOfMemory | February 23, 2011 at 01:44 PM
I was raised in a grocery store. I have never in my life seen or even heard of that.
That is just sicko!!
Posted by: PeepOne | February 23, 2011 at 05:34 PM
Um ... only in Arkansas?? (I live here, too.) And, are they really even paws? That just makes it even more disturbing!
Posted by: Jenna | February 23, 2011 at 06:24 PM
I've had these and they are quite tasty. I never thought of using them for stock.
Posted by: carole | February 23, 2011 at 09:19 PM
Giggle. There are benefits to living in a small town with small town grocery stores :)
I saw this today and though of you. it might get the above image out of your head. ;)
Posted by: Lee | February 24, 2011 at 06:02 PM
That's SICK!!!! Just think of those next time you're is a new diet!!
Posted by: Michele | February 24, 2011 at 06:55 PM
Well what would be better to give your appetite pause than chicken paws. I suppose it is more politcally correct than chicken feet. No matter what you call em: ewww. Same thing goes for pig's paws too.
Posted by: Mrs. Oh | February 24, 2011 at 10:52 PM
The feet look like chicken feet, but the nails on the end of the feet make my face do all sorts of contortions. That's just wrong. ehhhh.
Posted by: Flowerpot | February 25, 2011 at 07:59 AM